Mayor Cranley Proposes Bias Training for City Workers After Cincinnati PD Racial Slur Incidents [View all]
In the wake of recent revelations that two Cincinnati Police officers used racial slurs in unrelated incidents late last year, Mayor John Cranley has introduced legislation that would require training in implicit and explicit bias for new recruits to the city's police force as well as other new city workers.
Cranley also highlighted changes to city policy made by City Manager Patrick Duhaney earlier this year that clarifies penalties for city employees who use such language while in a work environment.
"We all know that racism is the original sin in American history," Cranley said during a news conference today about the legislation. "The use of the n-word is totally unacceptable, and we won't stand for it."
Duhaney says under old policies, discipline for discriminatory behavior like using racial slurs was unclear. Under the revisions put in place last August, an employee would be subject to 40 hours suspension without pay and mandatory retraining upon a first offense, and could be subject to dismissal after a second offense.
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