Push Poll this evening- turned out to be Republican. [View all]
Are you a registered voter (Yes)
Do you intend to vote in the primary eection (Yes).
What political party do you belong to (Democratic).
Did you vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? (Hillary Clinton)
Thinking of Sherrod Brown: Very favorable, somewhat favorable, not very favorable, not at all favorable? (Very Favorable)
(Sen. Brown's first name was mispronounced: SherRod - accent on second syllable - a giveaway that the person was not familiar with Sen. Brown).
Have I ever heard of Melissa????? (No)
Have I ever heard of (another name)? (No)
Have I ever heard of Jim Renacci? (Yes)
In the Republican primary, which would I vote for - Melissa, (another name), or Jim Renacci?
I remained silent, as I could not answer the question, inasmuch as I'm not voting in the Republican primary.
The last question was repeated, again I could not, did not answer, and the call was terminated.
This was a recorded poll, with answers by pushing buttons on the phone.