Former President Donald Trumps scheduled campaign trail appearance at a popular Brooklyn kosher deli was canceled Thursday after the owner died of a heart attack. He was 76.
Trump had been expected to stop by Gottliebs a mom-and-pop restaurant known as a staple of Hasidic Williamsburg before heading to Washington, DC, to speak at a Combatting Antisemitism event.
But the delis beloved owner Shalom Yoseph Gottelib a dedicated dad and hardworking businessman, who often gave food to the needy was hospitalized with pneumonia earlier this week and died after suffering cardiac problems Thursday, according to friends and religious leaders.
Everybodys in shock. He was a good person, and he was an icon because of the iconic restaurant he ran for a very long time, said Rabbi Abe Friedman, a friend of Gottlieb. Going from welcoming Trump to a funeral is quite shocking.
Does this mean that "Everything that Trump touches dies" IN ADVANCE?
He needs an FDA warning sign.