New York Cop Bought Rifle for Neo-Nazi 'Rapekreig' Marine Who Planned Synagogue Attack: Feds [View all]
A former Marine accused of being in a neo-Nazi group called “Rapekrieg” planned to attack a synagogue and had a New York police officer purchase an assault rifle for him, federal prosecutors allege.
Facing several firearms charges, former U.S. Marine Matthew Belanger is alleged to have prepared an attack on a synagogue, attempted to pass his military training on to his neo-Nazi comrades, and written a screed urging both racial and sexual violence.
Belanger’s alleged neo-Nazi ties came out in a July 14 memo responding to his request to be released from detention to his family home while awaiting trial. The court memo, filed by the prosecutors and was first reported on by Rolling Stone, states Belanger’s actions and affiliations show that he could “pose a danger to the community” and strongly recommended against releasing him from custody. The judge has not yet ruled whether he will be released.
Rapekreig members who spoke to authorities said Belanger, during his time with the Marines, wrote the group’s manifesto. The court document contained several excerpts of the Rapekrieg manifesto. The rambly racist screed described rape as “an extremely effective tool against our many foes.” The court documents states that the group endorses “the rape of white women to increase the production of white children in furtherance of Raprekrieg’s goal of creating a white ethno-state through accelerationist means.” Another section talks about the necessity of killing Jewish children and urges members to prepare themselves to do this.
The memo states Rapekrieg has “overlapping beliefs and membership with Atomwaffen Division and Rapewaffen,” other neo-Nazi accelerationist groups. These groups form nodes of an international network of online organized modern neo-Nazis focused on militant accelerationism, which hopes to fasten the fall of modern society. Many neo-Nazis associated with this network are serving lengthy prison sentences for myriad crimes (including murder) they took part in as members of these groups.
What lovely people! /s