N.J. added more than 7,000 new voters in December, most of them unaffiliated [View all]
New Jerseys voter rolls increased by 7,366 in December, with the large majority of that increase coming from unaffiliated voters, who increased their numbers by 6,148. The state now has a total of 6,590,904 voters.
Republicans experienced a modest increase in December, growing by 1,953 from 1,508,212 to 1,510,165; Democrats, meanwhile, backslid from 2,577,146 to 2,576,402, a loss of 744 voters.
Despite the loss for the party, Democrats still have more than a million more voters than Republicans, an advantage that will be hard for Republicans to dent. More feasible is for unaffiliated voters to one day overtake the Democratic Party; currently, the electorate is 39.1% Democratic, 36.7% unaffiliated, and 22.9% Republican.
That lopsided advantage for Democrats still almost translated into a loss in last years gubernatorial election, however, when Gov. Phil Murphy narrowly defeated former Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli 51-48%.
Read more: https://newjerseyglobe.com/voters/n-j-added-more-than-7000-new-voters-in-december-most-of-them-unaffiliated/