(X-post from GD) Montana's voter ID laws may backfire on GOP [View all]
I was talking to a Republican committeeman that I'm friendly with. Won't say which county, don't want to give him away. I asked about GOTV. He looked despondent. I asked him what was the biggest problem. What he said in the next tweet:
The Legislature and the SoS fucked us. They put a lot of people on the inactive voter file, and to become active, they had to either respond to the postcard, or provide proof of residence when they show at the poll."
That didn't seem like a big deal to me. So I said "I thought you guys love Voter ID laws. What's the problem?"
His answer floored me. "The people without the ID in Montana aren't minority and young voters, you can't do anything in Montana without a driver's license, so
everyone has one, except for the anti-government nuts who don't want the government to know where they are. They live up in the hills, the house and vehicles are in their wife's names, and they don't have any ID. We let them vote with a mail to their address and register the day of, before. Now the legislature iced out 50-60k of our voters."
this is just one man's opinion, but I hadn't really thought of it that way. A lot of these people turned up and voted day of in 2020, and then didn't respond to postcards. Maybe they just showed up to vote for pot, but they voted solid red up and down the ballot.
This year, they won't be able to vote. Their vote won't count. We only have a limited number of DMV locations (thanks GOP legislature) and they are booked until after the election. So no ID, no vote. It would be hysterical if Sheehy lost because of new voter laws.