Social services for anyone for anything unless it is a federal program funded by the federal government.
I have lived in my car here, though I refused to go to Bozeman as advised by the "services" in the rural county I'm in. I fared better because of my resistance to going to the collected homeless in that county. I moved from that county due to housing costs. Now every county is too expensive to live in. The people who don't care about the homeless are the ones who made them homeless by coming here, buying up property and making it too expensive... partly by making so much of the new housing vacation rentals or just requiring rent higher than the local economy can afford. And the expansion into the hinterlands isn't helping.
Montana is being ruined by too many people moving in without understanding the fragility of the ecosystem they are trashing. That's what will run them off or kill them in the end.
The homeless problem is twofold, locals being priced out of house and home and people from elsewhere selling out and thinking they can come and live here for cheap only to find out the hard way that they were wrong.