Missouri women: coming soon to a ballot near you [View all]
Hillary Shields is early, 25 minutes early to be exact.
She has parked her car across from the Uptown Arts Bar and is making her way on this Thursday, early March evening that happens to be International Womens Day.
It has been less than four months since Shields narrowly lost a state senate seat to Republican Mike Cierpiot in her Lees Summit district. Her campaign ran on grit and the steady knuckle beat of volunteers who canvassed neighborhoods, many of the volunteers driving from all over the metro area to help.
Then a big, dark Republican money tsunami crashed local media markets while outspending Shields campaign 10 to 1. The ad campaign included a commercial that lied about Shields stance regarding a state lawmaker who made questionable comments about the president. Since they didnt have anything real they had to make stuff up.
Shields was not deterred. She signed up to run again the day filing opened on Feb. 27. She will likely face Cierpiot again.
Read more: https://www.pitch.com/news/politics/article/20998533/missouri-women-coming-soon-to-a-ballot-near-you