Before his murder, Missouri Klan leader was steeped in cat piss [View all]
Frank Ancona, the professed leader of the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, complained to a relative that he lived like an animal a few months before his his dead body was found next to a riverbank in eastern Missouri.
A feature story in The Riverfront Times in St. Louis depicts Ancona as a sad sack who lived in a small, crumbling house with dozens of cats and a wife regarded warily. "I just knew she was going to do something one of these days," a neighbor told Riverfront Times writer Doyle Murphy.
Murphy found that while Frank Ancona presented himself as the leader of a powerful organization, his home life was a disaster.
Frank confided in friends and family members that his wife was addicted to prescription pills and had grown erratic. He had taken to locking his medications and valuables in a safe or hiding them in the trunk of his car. When he slept, he tucked the car keys into his pillowcase.
The Anconas shared their misery with two dogs and dozen of cats. Malissa Ancona's cat hoarding was notorious among animal-rescue workers in the area. Murphy spoke to one volunteer who called her a "con artist."
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