The 'Alliance for Jobs" sure hates Tim Walz (candidate for Gov of MN for you out-of-staters) [View all]
I got a piece about his "almost 60% of votes" missed, "failing to stand up to President Trump" on issues like: (and there were 7 issues, e.g. "reinstate preexisting condition exclusion in health policies", and "fighting sex trafficking", and "combating online predators", and fighting the opioid epidemic"
As for Alliance for Jobs:
Who theyre for/against: pro-Lori Swanson
Alliance for Jobs carried $125,000 over from 2017 and has raised another $210,000 this year. It has sponsored at least two direct mail pieces supporting Lori Swanson-Rick Nolan gubernatorial ticket. In mailing, Swanson is portrayed as someone who will stand up to President Trump on issues such as the travel ban and the separation of families at the southern border.
The big donors to Alliance for Jobs in 2018 are Vance Opperman, president and CEO of Key Investment (which, among other things, owns MSP Communications), who gave $75,000; John and Sue Morrison, who gave $25,000 this year (on top of the $25,000 they gave last year); and Dr. S.K. Dash, founder of biotech company UAS Labs, who gave $10,000 (plus $5,000 last year); and John Fruth, founder of Ocular Sciences, who gave $100,000 after the most-recent state report was filed.
That's not too helpful, I really don't know, well anything about the above. But I just don't like the PAC name, so fucking generic.
People here probably know that the Lori Swanson campaign has been directly attacking Walz/Flanagan.
About 8 other PACs described at the link above.
I can't believe the number of flyers I've gotten so far, way more than ever.
In contrast, I've seen relatively few yard signs.
Edited: Walz/Nolan --to-> Walz/Flanagan. Sigh. Thanks dflprincess