At least two groups are active in Virginia doing the same thing -- the groups are election deniers funded with lots of out-of-state money. They are training poll watchers as well as training people who will volunteer to be Officers of Election -- OE are the people who work inside the polls checking in voters, issuing ballots, preparing reports, etc.
The two groups are:
-- Virginians for America First
-- The Middle Resolution
In one six-county area of Virginia a old, now resurrected Tea Party group calling themselves "The Northern Neck Patriots" have asked local political parties to give them letters authorizing them to be "Official Observers" who can sit inside polling places and "observe" the operations. (The Northern Neck is a group of six counties that form a peninsula -- a "neck" bounded by the Potomac and Rappahannock rivers, the Chesapeake Bay, and the mainland.) To date, the local parties have rebuffed them. The same group has made heroes of a dozen or so Jan 6 terrorists who are housed in a local jail awaiting federal trials.
These assholes are everywhere.