Whitmer allows SNAP benefits to be used for restaurant food [View all]
Michigan restaurants and bars, which have been shut down for indoor dining since Nov. 18, will receive some help from the state.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced a restaurant meal program which will allow SNAP benefits to be used for prepared meals. Also she announced this week that another liquor buyback program for restaurants and bars similar to the one administered earlier this year.
The restaurant meal program will give eligible food assistance recipients the opportunity to use their benefits to purchase restaurant meals. Older adults over 60, people with a disability including those who receive Social Security Income or other disability program benefits, and people experiencing homelessness are among those who are eligible.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services is opening the program for restaurants to enroll with the aim of providing diverse and affordable options for eligible participants across the state. Restaurants interested in partnering with MDHHS in this program are asked to visit the MDHHS website, where they can learn more about program requirements and how to enroll.
Read more: https://www.theoaklandpress.com/news/whitmer-allows-snap-benefits-to-be-used-for-restaurant-food/article_eb007200-4556-11eb-88d7-872fd2243f4b.html