Dear Amazon, before you bulldoze more than 80 years of Detroit music history, please read this [View all]
"Today I drove past the old State Fairgrounds in Detroit. I realized that the old bandshell would likely not be spared from the wrecking ball following news that the city of Detroit sold the property to Amazon for a new distribution center, so I snapped a photo of it. I recall my mother in law saying she saw the Jackson 5 on that stage, as well as Stevie Wonder. I wondered who else had performed on that stage. As a musician myself, who has performed on stages as small as PJs Lager House and as large as the DIA Film Theater, I can say theyre a magical place. A quick search took me to which held a shocking list of well-known musicians dating back to 1938, the 89th year of the Michigan State Fair. The headliner was swing band leader Benny Goodman."
If you click on this, scroll down to the Poster from 1969. I have a copy of that one signed by the artist Gary Grimshaw. Take a look at all of the bands you could see for $3.50.