In the early 1930s our federal government under the guidance of FDR began working on the Tennessee Valley Authority. This was an expansive effort designed to bring electricity and modernize the mountainous regions of Tennessee and surrounding states. At that time many inhabitants of the area were opposed to this. Dont need or want no gubmint folks telling us how to live. Even indoor plumbing was opposed with the good people suggesting Even a dog knows not to mess where he sleeps. This action slowed the project but it was completed and the good people eventually accepted their better lifestyles.
Later in the 40s or 50s fluoride was being introduced to drinking water, at least it was in Michigan. Again, we had similar protests. Fluoride is poison, the government is going to poison our children. Fluoride was being added to improve dental health. This too, had some struggles in some if not all, areas of Michigan. But eventually it was accepted and now we are all drinking fluoridated water and have better teeth.
Today there is much fuss about wearing masks to avoid spreading the Covid-19 virus. It has become a political football. Cant we all just work together to eliminate this virus, there are many other political things we can argue about. This can be life ending for many, is it really a debatable issue?