NECC: No answers from drug executive at hearing on meningitis [View all]
No answers from drug executive at hearing on meningitis
9:44PM EST November 14. 2012
WASHINGTON - Barry Cadden, owner of the New England company whose contaminated drugs have sickened patients nationwide, repeatedly cited the Fifth Amendment on Wednesday, declining to answer lawmakers' questions about unsterile conditions at his plant and its culpability in recent meningitis-related deaths.
The House Energy and Commerce Committee's investigations subcommittee held the first in what is likely to be several hearings on the 461 cases of fungal meningitis tied to contaminated steroid drugs from the New England Compounding Center (NECC) in Framingham, Mass.
Thirty-two people have died.
Stearns told Cadden that his plant was guilty of "a massive failure of sterilization." Panel members cited reports about bugs and birds in the plant, and standing water that was breeding areas for bacteria.