Mass. mayor: Public schools forced to enroll immigrants with ‘more wrinkles than I have’ [View all]
Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy
Mass. mayor: Public schools forced to enroll immigrants with more wrinkles than I have
By Travis Gettys
Friday, August 29, 2014 14:31 EDT
A Massachusetts mayor claims the public school district in her town was forced to register possibly undocumented migrants who were clearly adults but were forbidden by the federal government from verifying their ages.
Judith Flanagan Kennedy, mayor of Lynn, made the claims Wednesday to an anti-immigration group Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, D.C., saying unaccompanied minors from Guatemala had overwhelmed the citys public health, trash collection, and education services.
Speaking out about this, I have been called a racist, Kennedy said. I have been called a hater. That is not the case.
DOJ officials have reminded public schools they must enroll all students within the legal age limits for public education which in Massachusetts is 3 to 21 years old regardless of immigration status.