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I have sympathy for the workers at MB but I am feeling this strike in my pocketbook.
I hope I don't seen selfish but I sure wish the management and workers would come to some agreement so that the stores would be open and stocked. Hopefully at the same price points as before this current strike,
I am on a fixed income and am feeling a great loss by not having the opportunity to shop at MB.
To give you a quick example:
Hormel cryovac pork roast MB price=$6.99
My local market=$9.99
Romaine lettuce MB=.99
Cat food MB 5/4.00
Local .99
Kitty litter 'Fresh Step
MB 14lbs 4.99
Local 7.99
American cheese MB3.99
The list goes on and on.
Everything I buy seems to cost at least 30% higher at my local store or at the regional chain markets near me. (I don't even include WF(Whole Paycheck) in this equation).
Everyone I know near me is a MB customer and all of us are complaining about the prices we are paying because of this strike.
I hope this does not seem selfish but this situation is hitting the customers of MB in the wallet badly. There will be a lot of good will lost if the employee/management issues are not solved soon.