TRANSPORTATION Maryland Purple Line construction will resume in August, officials say Most light-rai [View all]
Maryland Purple Line construction will resume in August, officials say
Most light-rail building stopped when the contractor quit in September 2020. Heres how the new construction team says it will get the line open by late 2026.
By Katherine Shaver
May 6, 2022 at 7:00 a.m. EDT
Terry Gohde is the project manager for Maryland Transit Solutions, the new construction joint venture. Doran Bosso is CEO of Purple Line Transit Partners, the private consortium managing the project for the state. They spoke with The Washington Post about what the construction reboot will look like. The interview was edited for length and clarity.
Upcoming Purple Line open houses:
Purple Line project officials have scheduled two open houses about construction restarting:
May 25, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Silver Spring Civic Building, 1 Veterans Place in downtown Silver Spring.
May 26, 6:30-8:30 p.m., University of Maryland Stamp Student Union atrium, 3972 Campus Drive in College Park.
By Katherine Shaver
Katherine Shaver is a transportation and development reporter focusing on urban/suburban planning issues and construction of Maryland's light-rail Purple Line. Since joining The Washington Post in 1997, she also has covered crime, courts, education and local government. Twitter