With the yellow haired traiter eliminating regulations as fast as possible...leave it to kansaas to [View all]
work on really substantial, important stuff...Medicaid expansion?, naw..Education funding?,naw...
Whether red white and blue barber poles can be displayed?
You got it ace....we'uns have our priorities straight...
Third-generation barber Mike Amyx struggled to sell a bill overhauling state licensing standards that fell to defeat like a chunk of hair chopped off with sharp scissors.
Amyx, a freshman Democratic House member from Lawrence, failed to convince the Republican-led House to accept style and substance of House Bill 2383, which banned displays of barber poles under certain circumstances, added a third licensing examination, escalated inspection, testing and licensing fees, and raised the minimum age for official barbers to 18.
It also would have created a senior barber license, available for $50, to a person no longer working in that occupation, but was a barber for at least 40 years and at least 70 years of age.
“This is a very good bill,” Amyx said. “Barbers throughout this state are very proud to have their professional Kansas Board of Barbering.”
"All kidding aside,” Huebert said, “I don’t think this bill is necessary.”
He was drawn to a section prohibiting barbering schools from discriminating against student applicants on the basis of race, religion, color, sex or disability. He proposed an amendment adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of protected classes.
"There is a lot going on in this bill,” said Rep. Tory Arnberger, R-Great Bend.
Rep. Ron Highland, R-Wamego, said he was concerned with a portion of the bill related to the red, white and blue vertical cylinders otherwise known as barber poles. Apparently, authors of the bill wanted to prohibit, under threat of a maximum $1,000 fine, anyone from using a barber pole or its facsimile at a location where people weren’t licensed to provide haircuts.