Capitalist taking over commie billboard [View all]
A billboard near I-70 Exit 298 says "Manhattan: The next best thing to communism."
The infamous “communism” billboard on I-70 is about to go away.
The company that rents the top portion of the billboard has signed an agreement to take over the space on the bottom, effective June 1. Dave Dreiling, owner of that company, said Wednesday that a new sports bar in Junction City called “JC’s” will be advertising in that space.
The board that went up last week in that space says: “Manhattan: The next best thing to communism,” accompanied by the hammer-and-sickle symbol of the former Soviet Union.
That sign was the work of Ron Ford, a Manhattan man who got into a dispute with the city government 17 years ago about zoning rules. Ford has refused to talk to The Mercury. Former city officials and others say they figure that dispute is his beef with the city.
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