Why I Support Michael Franken (from a friend)( for US senate in Iowa to oppose Ernst) [View all]
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I am voting for Michael Franken for U.S. Senator in the June 2 Democratic primary election.
He can beat incumbent Senator Joni Ernst on her terms as an advocate for all Iowans and as a former military officer.
After thorough consideration, and interviews with four of the five candidates in the race, Franken offers the best portfolio of qualifications.
During the first of three conversations, I asked about renewal of the New START Treaty, and the 2020 Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. Franken was knowledgeable both about our treaty obligations and the dangers of ending U.S. participation in arms control. He would support nuclear arms control.
For Franken the climate crisis is a signal issue. The United States has bad leadership and poor strategy to address the climate crisis, he said. He viewed climate change as a national security priority and a question of environmental justice. He would take climate action, while already understanding the science, from the perspective of an engineer with sympathy for the issue. He would act on the climate crisis.
The coronavirus does not recognize national borders. We must transcend nationalism that puts America first and consider the best interests of all of humanity as only the United States can do. A career naval officer who achieved vice admiral rank, Frankens service took him around the globe in consequential military action. He has the experience to keep America safe while exemplifying the best of what we offer the rest of the world. He would represent Iowa values well.
Franken spent ten years as a military liaison to the U.S. Congress, beginning with work for Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy. His work in the Congress gives him a long head start when it comes to writing legislation and getting Iowa priorities accomplished. Experience matters and Franken has it.
Finally, Franken will support Democratic priorities, whether they are health care, voter rights, equal protection, or a womans right to choose. His will be a thoughtful vote, one in which the leadership that made him a three star admiral will shine through.
I like each of the candidates I recently interviewed for different reasons. A loyal Democrat, Ill support the primary winner. With early voting beginning in two weeks, now is the time to make a stand.
I stand with Michael Franken.
My comment:
I have not decided yet myself. Paul Deaton lays out a compelling case for Franken. I am torn between Greenfield and Franken.