VIDEO: Conservative Lobbyists Attend Meeting With DeVos, Reynolds While Public Shut Out [View all]
For Immediate Release: March 15, 2019
Contact: Matt Sinovic, (515) 423-0133
VIDEO: Conservative Lobbyists Attend Meeting With DeVos, Reynolds While Public Shut Out
Des Moines, Iowa -- Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos held a private meeting with conservative lobbyists today, and excluded the public. Video recorded by Progress Iowa shows a number of prominent lobbyists in attendance at the Governor's private capitol office.
"Kim Reynolds reminded us today who she really represents, and it's not Iowans," said Matt Sinovic, executive director of Progress Iowa. "It's disturbing that she would host a meeting with the Secretary of Education about how to divert funds from public schools, and cut the public out of the process. These are our tax dollars and our neighborhood schools, and the public should have a seat at the table, not the Koch Brother's lobbyist. Today's meeting and their voucher proposal is a slap in the face to every student, parent, and educator in Iowa."
Those identified as attending the meeting include:
Drew Klein, Americans for Prosperity Iowa
Eric Goranson, Iowa Association of Christian Schools
Tom Chapman, Iowa Catholic Conference
Ryan Wise, Director, Iowa Department of Education
Georgia Van Gundy, Executive Director, Iowa Business Council
Amy Sinclair, Republican State Senator
Brad Zaun, Republican State Senator
Dan Ryan, President, Dowling Catholic High School
Watch the video of participants entering and exiting the meeting with Governor Reynolds and Secretary DeVos:
Progress Iowa is a multi-issue progressive advocacy organization with a network of more than 75,000 progressives. Year-round, Progress Iowa advocates for a stronger middle class, first-class public education, and fairness for all Iowans under the law.
A scurrilous cast of characters if ever there was one. Our kids get their futures sold out from underneath them late on a Friday afternoon when no one is watching.
Edit to add: This just makes me sick. Going behind closed doors to sell out our kids futures for some "campaign contributions" I am sure.