Graham Confirms Re-Electing Grassley Means National Abortion Ban Vote [View all]
Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina on Tuesday introduced a nationwide abortion ban in the Senate.
Though the ban won’t move forward in the Democratic-controlled Senate this year, it’s a signal for what Republicans will try to do if they retake Congress.
There’s signs that both of Iowa’s senators would potentially be on board with such a vote.
When pressed by an audience member whether he’d specifically support action at the federal level, Grassley demurred and only mentioned “elected representatives” again, without narrowing that to only the state.
“Well…” Grassley said, then paused. “I’m going to leave that up to the constitutional lawyers. What we’ve done is gone from unelected people making a decision to letting the elected representatives of the people make a decision.”
When asked by a reporter asked if Grassley thinks the question should be decided by states, Grassley said, “Well, that’s unless something happens either through a court decision or through action that Congress takes.”