My in-laws are from a small town 30-40 minutes north and west Ft. Dodge. Steve King Iowa.
They are lovely people, but church is the center of their social lives, and for some, their work lives, too. THey're not fanatics, but one nephew is I'd assume an angry incel.
They vote R because that's what they think they should do. They hear it in their churches. They read Christian books and news outlets. Surgeons don't save them, god does through their prayers.
Barry Goldwater nailed it, and this should be the rift that divides the "traditional gop" from this new radicalized John Wayne Republican Jesus come back as TDFG cult.
They willingly believe Earth is 6,000 years old, and nifty things like fossils and carbon dating as easter eggs from Satan to test their belief. Very literal, very rigid in their thinking, very small box traditional family. THey love Mayberry. As a Californian, with divorced parents, single til I was 34, with a gay brother, and step parents and birth parents, too, I was way outside their box.