I am a PROUD graduate for Indiana University. I still live and work in Bton. This is a community that embraces diversity whether it is in religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender.
This Professor's actions and beliefs do not reflect on the university or this town as a whole. I love my community. We come together in solidarity over and over in good and bad times.
Unfortunately, this is not the first time we've had to stand together to call out the actions of those whose values and actions which either do not represent who are or threaten us. We are still currently embroiled in a struggle to remove a vendor associated with white supremacist groups from our farmers market. Some times doing it with our unique sense of flair, "Cops Bust Unicorn Protesting White Supremacy at Indiana Farmers Market."
Anyway, I just wanted to say, don't let this Professor's ignorance be how you see us. Bloomington is often referred to as the "Liberal Oasis" of Indiana. It is by far the bluest part of the state, believe me, I grew up in one of the reddest parts of the state.
I urge you to read our Provost's statement as well as read up a little on Bton (maybe even asking me questions). This is a lovely town. Yes, there are elements of hate, racism, and misogyny that try to worm their way into it, but we have a slogan and a campaign that we've adopted since July 4, 1999 (a day I sadly remember) when a Korean student was shot and killed outside his church just off campus by a white nationalist passing through as part of three day shooting spree, "No Hate Speech. No Hate Crimes. Not in Our Town. Not Anywhere."