Illinois Backlog of sexual assault kits eliminated for first time: Pritzker [View all]
“Under my predecessor, there was a massive backlog of DNA from sexual assault cases waiting to be processed, letting criminals off the hook and failing survivors,” Pritzker said in a statement.
“When I came into office, my administration made it our mission to support survivors in pursuit of justice. We made historic investments in the Division of Forensic Services to hire additional personnel, acquire state-of-the-art robotics to speed up turnaround time, and implement new software to make our laboratories as efficient as possible.”
Though the 2010 Sexual Assault Evidence Submission Act mandates testing, it does so only if resources are available, according to the governor’s office.
During the last two years, the Illinois State Police has reduced its total forensic backlog by about 72%, according to the governor’s office.
My fear is the high cost of living with housing and gas prices could get us another governor rauner and a horrific mess again only worse. Hopefully people see through it all.