House passes bill treating marijuana possession like speeding ticket [View all]
A bill treating low-level marijuana possession charges similar to speeding tickets statewide passed the Illinois House on Thursday with bipartisan support.
The bill is the brainchild of Rep. Kelly Cassidy, D-Chicago, and would make possession of 15 grams of marijuana — or roughly half an ounce, the equivalent of about 30 joints — punishable by a fine of up to $125. It also would create protocol for a driving under the influence of marijuana charge. Offenders would have their records expunged of the possession offense after six months.
Cassidy said the bill would help alleviate some of the racial disparity involved in criminal sentencing as well as save the state money. The bill passed by a 62-53 vote.
"We've turned a corner in the way we look at crime in Illinois and our criminal justice system as a whole," Cassidy said. "And I think it's a hopeful sign for a lot of other things, too."
The Illinois Department of Corrections estimated that Cassidy's proposal would save the state about $30 million.