Of course he shows up when I'm getting ready to go to bed and wants me to jump to take care of his to-do list. The added irritation to it all is that the previous day I had to make a special trip to the bank and store to wire him money, then sat in the store a half-hour since I didn't want to get drenched in the rain since I was on my bike. None of that was necessary since he could have waited to go to the bank here in town.
The task that will need my assistance is that I have a six month old kitten that needs to be spayed soon. If he had sent me a text or made a call before hand, then I wouldn't have mind but I already made my plans for the day which he disrupted.
Furrtunately, the kitten (Ruby) isn't in heat because the male cats in the apartment are already making their moves on her. Bachelor Cat #1 is a 2-year-old Siamese named Josie (photo below) who has the upper paw in the determination of purrternity rights since he has mastered the mounting maneuver. Bachelor Cat #2 is a 1-year-old long hair tabby (short black fur with long gray fur) that showed up at our apartment about 3 months ago and that I'm calling Mr. Bushytailed who enjoys grooming privileges. Bachelor Cat #3 is another indoor/outdoor short hair tabby with a bad attitude named Ralphie because he like to gobble his food and ralph it back up.
I know it would be better if there were pictures and I could Photoshop the stage set from The Dating Game in the background. Maybe Iz can haz Bob Mewbanks in teh fotos 2?