Copy & Forward: October 9, 2012 is the deadline for voter registration in Georgia [View all]
Get registered to vote with your current name at your current address by 30 days before an election.
For the November 2012 election, you must be registered by October 9, 2012.
You can get your registration started right now.
Get Registered:
Bring one of these to the polls with you on Election Day to be sure your vote is counted:
Any valid state or federal government issued photo ID, including a FREE Voter ID
Card issued by your county registrar's office or the Georgia Department of Driver
Services (DDS)
A Georgia Driver's License, even if expired
Valid employee photo ID from any branch, department, agency, or entity of the
U.S. Government, Georgia, or any county, municipality, board, authority or other
entity of Georgia
Valid U.S. passport ID
Valid U.S. military photo ID
Valid tribal photo ID
A FREE Voter ID card can be issued at any county registrar's office or Department of
Driver Services Office. To receive a voter identification card, you need to have:
A photo identity document or approved non-photo identity document that
includes full legal name and date of birth
Documentation showing your date of birth
Evidence that youre a registered voter
Documentation showing your name and residential address
Get the info:
If you have additional questions about voting in Georgia, please contact: Elections
Division: (877) 725-9797
Election Day is Tuesday, November 6th, 2012. Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
Find your polling place:
Vote Early
Georgia has early voting, beginning October 15th and through Election Day. Early voting locations and hours will be posted at
Vote Absentee
Any Georgia voter may vote absentee by mail. No excuse is required. Just complete and sign an absentee ballot application
( then returned it by mail, fax, or email, or drop it off in person at your county
registrar's office.
Find your County Registrar:
Absentee ballots can be requested as early as 180 days prior to an election and must
be received by the county registrar no later than the close of polls on Election Day.