DNC Chair Jamie Harrison says 'proof points' could lead to investments in FL [View all]
With the first vote-by-mail ballots in Florida’s general election scheduled to be sent to overseas and military veterans in just a few weeks, time is running for state Democrats to draw much help from outside groups and political committees during this election cycle.
But Democratic National Committee Chairman Jamie Harrison is doubling down on his previous statements that if he sees indications that more financial resources could help either at the presidential, Senate, or congressional level this fall in Florida, it could still happen.
“I sat down with the chair [FDP head Nikki Fried] just the other day looking at ways — more proof points — to show that this is a state that we can possibly win. And so, as we get those proof points which help make the case for more investment, more investment on the ground, more investments in terms of advertisement and the like,” Harrison told the Phoenix in a phone interview Tuesday.
Harrison has made similar comments this year, but Florida Dems have yet to realize any significant backing from groups dedicated to electing Democrats this year. In June, he told reporters in Tallahassee that “we’ll look and see what the numbers are” before committing to help.