expensive to hire security guards (retired police officers or the like), so these are being dropped as security measures by apartments or neighborhoods, we even tried the neighborhood watch, where several of us each night would drive around the neighborhoods (we had approximately 18,000 households in our particular neighborhood), but that didn't last long, I'm guessing that not enough volunteers were stepping up to the plate, which is okay, you can't blame them, being that all of us are working our tails off, dealing w/ our families, going to school, you know, life in general.
The biggest thing that they did, IMHO, is offer free clubs for cars, you show your utility statement or such, to prove that you live in the area, and the neighborhood watch working w/ the police would give you clubs for your cars. I haven't seen any stats on the effectiveness of these free clubs (and of course one must use them), but I can vouch personally for myself, as I have always used a club in my vehicle...I guess getting your vehicle stolen one time does the trick (my baby, my S10 truck which I love, was stolen, it was recovered but the insurance company wouldn't allow me to take the truck back, said it was too much of an unknown, not knowing what the perps did while driving in my truck (and I kind of agree w/ them). I did get the insurance settlement, but still. At least the insurance company did say that the video I just made of my truck, after I had cleaned it out, spit and shined it all up, and taken just before the theft of my truck, did the trick in getting me a decent settlement...but still.
Haven't we all had a vehicle that we just loved, and then BAM, it's gone. I never got over it still, and it's been 30 years plus.