Florida ranks 48th in teacher pay. [View all]
This is a good commentary by the leader of the Orange Classroom Teachers Association. He points out many of the struggles that FL teachers face.
DeSantis likes to say our beginning salaries are great but he overlooks the FACT that overall salaries are awful. If you are thinking about teaching in FL the DONT! Change your mind, change your college major, or change the state you want to live in
Our public education system is in crisis.
The workload has dramatically increased and its more difficult every year to pay bills on a teacher salary. Teachers are leaving the profession in droves and many who remain have second and third jobs. Teachers also flee because of the constant attacks against their character, being called groomers, indoctrinators and woke.
State laws regulating teacher pay have caused teachers with many years of experience to be paid nearly the same as brand-new teachers. These conditions also severely drive down recruitment. Many dont want to start a career where people are treated this way.
Our state legislators and governor need to simplify laws regulating teacher pay. In 2010, there was one law that governed teacher pay. There are now over 20. This burden needs to end and Florida needs to adequately fund public education. Why isnt our governor embarrassed that Florida ranks 48th in the nation in average public school teacher pay? He claims to have been an advocate for teachers, but the data contradicts him.