there are progressives here, but either their numbers are lower than we think or they don't show up at election time.
i think the coloradoan gives justin smith too much of a pass and too much of a platform. there are a lot of unanswered questions about the amendment 64 suit, including really simple, journalism 101 questions. i repeatedly asked who was paying for the pot suit on every single article they read for it and i only got an answer because one of the county commissioners saw it and chimed in. i worked at that rag for five years and they don't like to go after the sheriff's office and are unlikely to call him on his bullshit.
they had a facebook post last week or the week before saying the ed board was going to meet with him and to submit our questions, but i haven't seen one word about it since.
it was good to see today that so many people were calling him out on his bullshit regarding the president's comments at the prayer breakfast, but it also brought out a lot of troglodytes.
smith will run uncontested this year, just as he did last election and just as his predecessor did (jimbo alderden used to show up on faux to bloviate about the war on christmas).
jimbo did have an opponent one election and i did a few interviews with him, but he them just dropped off the face of the earth a couple, three months before the election. no announcement he was suspending his campaign, stopped returning my calls and just disappeared.