Immigration: The idea is to go punish those that exploit and take advantage of the undocumented worker. At the state level, I already say there is nothing we can do.
But, since my district is directly at the border with three border crossing, this is a huge issue. Too many times I have heard people say "if we would only go after those that take advantage of these people, the problem would be solved." No where in my proposal to I say I want undocumented workers deported or punished. . .far from it. But those that show up in pickup trucks in Somerton, South Tucson, and Sasabe saying "who wants to build a house today" need to be reigned in hard. They are off the books employers that treat undocumented workers like slave, pay them terribly, and, if the worker complains, runs to ICE and "La Migra" at the drop of a hat while walking away scot-free. This is unacceptable.
We have the ability to do it through a payroll tax audit, which would be auditing the state unemployment tax paperwork all businesses are required to submit to the State. To pay that tax, one must have an I9 form. If employees are working without that form, which Arizona auditors can and are legally allowed to ask for, the employer is instantly nabbed and fines (heavy) are imposed. If the employer does not pay those fines after 90 days, they are now personally put on the business owner. If it's someone like Walmart, you can audit the Nexus and fine the physical location. With Arizona Nexus, the business in Arizona is subject to Arizona law. If Walmart didn't pay, we would follow the Trust Fund Recovery Penalty of IRS Code 6679.
Tax policy: I've had three CPAs and seven EAs run numbers. Based on Arizona's budget and taxation policy, this is how they would propose to do it. Arizona has too much consumption tax (we fund our schools partially with cigarette taxes, then education people not to vote).
Corporate Taxes in Arizona are 15% of the budget. I recommend shifting that as a surcharge, making the AZ income tax rate 3.5% which is still one of the lowest in the country, as well as putting into place taxes that can be claimed on a federal 1040. The concept is to increase the pot.
In Wisconsin, Scott Walker and Donald Trump made a deal with Foxconn and Foxconn reneged on it. Trump bargained away state tax breaks. I'm talking doing it permanently and sensibly, not what Walker and Trump did, which was idiotic at best.
Arizona has three major universities, and mine is so deep into the space program, the Mars helicopter wouldn't exist without it. Arizona has the infrastructure with two major interstate transcontinental highways, two major intercontinental railroad lines, and an airport in Maricopa County that is expanding exponentially. UA (mine) and ASU are both world class high tech universities. People aren't born smart, so my tax proposal will increase the pot for the education budget so people here can stop saying "hooray for Mississippi."
I hope I clarified.