KarenS says we should talk more so I'd like to ask you all a favor. [View all]
Judging by the number of views some of the Arizona group posts recieve, I suspect that there are more than 10 DU members in Az. I would like to ask anyone who comes to this group to see what's up if you all would mind just creating a quick post to tell us where you live. I realize that there are a lot of shy people here so you don't have to actually say anything if you don't want, just hit the blue post button, type the name of the town you live in and hit "post my thread" at the bottom. If you are feeling a little more verbose, It would be nice to hear about any progressive type groups or actions you might align yoursel with.
My experience tells me that, especially if you visit DU regularly, you kind of get a mindset that many shall we say, progressive types must belong to DU but the fact is, we seem to be very rare. I've been on DU for over 10 years now, most of them while living in the San Francisco bay area. I've also been involved with a number of progressive groups as well as the labor movement. I moved here almost exactly a year ago and got involved with Drinking :Liberally, PDA and Occupy Tucson. In all of that time, although I mention DU on a regular basis, not once has anyone said "I've heard of that" or I belong to DU too" or much of anything else so I'm really curious. How many DU members A. are in Arizona B. check out the Arizona group and C. where they all live.
I know a few live in Tucson, at least two, myself included, live in Marana and I'm pretty sure one is in Sedona but beyond that, I guess everybody is just shy.
So drop us a quick post...please!