Right-Wingers Pounce on Tabulation Issues [View all]
Right-Wingers Pounce on Tabulation Issues to Push Election Conspiracies
Trump and others are suggesting the vote in Maricopa County, which is controlled by Republicans, could be rigged in favor of Democrats
REPORTS FROM MARICOPA County, Arizona, election officials indicated early on Tuesday that around 20 percent of its 223 polling places were experiencing issues with vote tabulation machines. Donald Trump and other commentators responded by stoking conspiratorial fears of fraud and discouraging voters from using secure drop boxes at polling places to have their vote tabulated at central county election offices.
Reports are coming in from Arizona that the Voting Machines are not properly working in predominantly Republican/Conservative areas, the former president wrote. Can this possibly be true when a vast majority of Republicans waited for today to Vote? Here we go again? The people will not stand for it!!!
County election officials told Rolling Stone in a statement that technical staff are working to resolve an issue with tabulators and investigating the cause and that voters have a number of options to choose from if the Vote Center is experiencing a problem with a precinct tabulator. Voters have been told they have three alternative options:
Republican commentators and even Arizona GOP officials immediately cast doubt on the use of secure drop boxes, a common practice in elections. Arizona GOP Chairwoman Dr. Kelli Ward claimed that ballots submitted to the county via Box 3 would not be tabulated on Election Day, with influential right-wingers like Charlie Kirk and Jack Posobiec telling voters to not trust that their vote would be counted at all, and to instead wait until the issue was fixed at their polling place or find another location.
I volunteer with Election Protection (Common Cause) as a social media poll monitor. One of our tasks is to remind voters that it isn't uncommon for technology to break, but to stay calm and vote anyway, either at a different location or completing your ballot as usual but instead of scanning it, place it in the secure box beneath the scanner and it will be tabulated at the Elections Office. We give them the main Election Protection phone number too, if they want to report issues: 866-OUR-VOTE. So far folks have been appreciative, and retweet it.