Is AI worth the investment for improving images? [View all]
There are a number of post-processing apps designed to improve images without changing them as well as plug-ins for Photoshop and other such programs. Noise reduction, sharpening and enlarging a small crop from a larger image can be done and done without much effort. What follows is an example of minimal image improvement. The file was provided by Gato Moteado and shot with a full frame digital camera at an ISO of 3100. The noise in the original file isn't objectionable but is is noticeable. To get the full effect of the changes you should download the images and inspect them in an image viewing app.
The image above is 6887x4591 pixels which renders as 30 mp. Below is a crop to emphasize the change possible. It is a 1570x1180 pixel crop or 2mp, a 15x enlargement.
The only thing done was a minimal noise reduction. A big problem with modifications to remove noise or sharpen is that the two functions have competed with each other. To remove noise older apps smoothed out the pixels which necessarily smudged edge definition making the image look soft and out of focus. On the other hand to sharpen an image the app would increase edge definition and contrast making the noise more noticeable. New AI based apps seem to find a way to overcome that issue.
Understand that a bad picture cannot be saved. You need to start with an acceptably sharp well exposed image. Still haven't found out how to make a silk purse from a pig's ear. I'll let you know when I do . . .
I do not own stock in any photo app and have no interest in sales of those products. There are many post processing noise reduction packages available. I do not benefit from or intend to promote the sale of any product. For use as education only. THIS IS NOT COMMERCIAL SPAM.