premiums, our family spends between 8-10K per year. And we have employer-based insurance that used to be, USED TO BE be good, even 15 years ago. Every year it got worse and I watched the gross corporate greed that consolidated the industry and the new buildings going up, as these corporations gobbled up all the smaller clinics and specialty practices. A minority of doctors, dentists, etc. refuse to participate and either retire or go it alone. The rest are employed by these huge corporations and subject to their rules. I have lost three physicians who were either terminated or went it alone and I can't afford to see them if they are "out-of-network."
I remember when BC/BS was NON-profit. We had a plan for a while that you could get many commonly prescribed meds from a Canadian (CanRX) company that networked with other countries for free. This was ended when a Republican admin came into office. It was a blessing for the consumers, but apparently wrankled pharmacists who complained to the State Legislature ad the program was cut.
U.S. "consumers" (patients) are increasingly paying more out-of-pocket as "Big Pharma" and the army of lobbyists control the politicians. How many drug ads have we watched over the last ten years and how much money is spent in that slick marketing using ACTORS with the disclaimers? My favorite is "side effects may include Death." Yeah that would be an undesirable side effect.
I remember when Oprah interviewed Harry and Meghan and the Brits that watched couldn't believe all our drug ads, cause of course they don't have them as health care in UK is free.
Medical debt is still the number one cause of bankruptcy in the U.S.of A. That alone says it's a broken, perverted system.