I have an opportunity. [View all]
Theater person, here. The stage has been my home for some sixty years.
For decades, I've fantasized about purchasing an old church and converting it into a theater. Now, I've helped build several venues in warehouses, huge garages, etc., and have performed in many churches converted to that purpose. For a whole summer I toured in "Murder In The Cathedral" throughout central Illinois, performing in consecrated, working churches. So...this isn't my first rodeo.
A 120 year old church has come up for sale in Atchison KS. I was in that town in October, as one of the main ghouls in the Halloween festivities. It's a wonderful little place, surprisingly cosmopolitan and sophisticated for its size and location. At one time, it was the refuge of the Great and Good from Kansas City and Leavenworth, and is packed with industrial baron's mansions. It's Amelia Earhart's home town.
By selling out my Tucson home, I can readily afford the place. (I can actually afford it without selling out...but who needs two homes?) It looks as if my old dream is coming to fruition, live theater on the weekends, classic films during the dark periods.
Pandaemonium Shadowshows will finally have a home.
Probably open this coming October with either Michael Chesden's "Lugosi" or Clive Barker's "Crazyface"