Ebay has been a big part of my collecting illness [View all]
for 18 years this month. I have sold some stuff, I buy more than I sell admittedly, but even more than the buying I love to look at the coolest treasures which come out for sale. Beyond my budget and often outside of my collection interests I see many things which are just cool, artistic, treasures of the past. I usually search auctions only, because I am not interested in seeing people's overpriced "buy it now" stuff..I want to look at things which will likely sale. I take particular joy in seeing an obvious-to-me home run which the seller is obviously unaware what they have, watching the price rise and then a huge snipe at the end...knowing the seller is stuck to the ceiling.
I started buying and selling seriously in 1990. I was in a low paying route sales job so I would hit antique stores, estate sales, and auctions. I had a book shelf full of books of specialized buyers. Tony Hyman's book, Trash to Treasure, and the Antique Trader made me thousands by listing collectors interests. I didn't have any money so I would see something in an antique store, then call a buyer that evening and price it doubling the price, if the buyer agreed they would send the money. I would call the antique store and have them hold the item for me (until I could buy it with the buyer's money).
Here's today's favorite eBay find...
I think it's been for sale for a while or there was another one at some time or other. I just love die-cut lithography..the colors are so vivid and the graphics so nostalgic of good feelings. I would make a spot in my new kitchen for this if it wasn't quite so pricey, at the same time I believe someone may pay the asking price.
BTW, I don't know this seller, just like the piece..