Do you like to DIG? [View all]
What could be more fun than a real treasure hunt? American Pickers are always looking for "rusty gold" -- what are you willing to dig for?
One of our *watchers* on the right-wing web site tells of a box of black stuff her mother dug at a sale -- took it home, polished it all up to reveal sterling silver pieces. That's digging! Her mother found a lot of heirlooms that way.
Today I had a little digging fun. A neighbor told me of a house up the street that is being renovated; the new owner had pulled all kinds of stuff out of the basement and there was a box of sheet music included. Today I was out walking the border collie and saw this fellow outside. Sure, he said, I could come in and look at the music. Hoo boy. We dragged it out. We sweated. We sorted. I only found a few pieces that are useful to me, but we had a lot of fun and I taught him a lot. How to read roman numeral dates. What the years of World War 1 and 2 are. That Franz Liszt is a classical composer. Who Al Jolson was, and how the world felt about him. And all about blatant racial stereotyping in the early twentieth century popular music.
He decided that he would trade the several pieces of music for apple pies, although I offered to pay him cash instead. Works for me. I love to make apple pie.