Another adventure in collecting [View all]
I sold a Lerner deak organizer in my booth. The one I sold belonged to my daughter. It sat in the booth since last summer. I had faint hope it would sell and started using it to display a few vintage paper items. The darn thing sold Friday. I knew I had one of my own and thought I'd get it in there NFS. I looked all over the house the last 2 days, and couldn't find it. I got some organizing done, so not a total waste. I got up this morning at 6:30. It was in the 60s, so I talked myself into going to my rental to see if I could find the desk organizer there. It is a giant storage-you could park a car in there, and it is jumbled, so I had little hope of actually finding the thing. I was halfway back, passing things I had laid out the last time I was there. I glanced to the back and *awe inspiring music* there is was, sitting on a stand at the very back of the unti! I got to it without killing myself, and brought it and a pile of fresh inventory home with me.
Happy Sunday!