Bringing Marxism to a new generation [View all]
If you haven't already, it's time to make plans to be at Socialism 2015 in Chicago.
A RECENT poll found that socialism is as popular as capitalism among people under 30--which isn't surprising given that this group of people has spent its entire adulthood living in the shadow of the world economic crisis of 2008-09.
That crisis, triggered by the widespread thievery of the mega-banks and Wall Street, led in turn to a political crisis that has continued to this day, with political leaders across the world--liberals and conservatives, dictators and elected officials--all forcing their people to pay the price for bailing out the criminal bankers.
Seven years later, the economic crisis is over, and "our" economy has supposedly recovered, but the blatant injustice of the bank bailouts has persisted. The rich and powerful and their protectors don't even pretend they can't get away with whatever they want: Politicians buy elections, corporations don't pay taxes, and police murder unarmed people on camera in broad daylight.
Meanwhile, the rest of us are realizing that layoffs, pension cuts, multiple wars and increased surveillance that many hoped were temporary until things got back to normal aren't going anywhere--because this is the new normal.
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