Socialist Progressives
Showing Original Post only (View all)Hillary Clinton: The International Neocon Warmonger [View all]
Scratching just lightly beneath the surface of Hillary Clintons career reveals the empirical evidence of her historic support for aggressive interventions around the globe.
Beginning with Africa, Hillary defended the 1998 cruise missile strike on the El Shifa pharmaceutical plant in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum, destroying the largest producer of cheap medications for treating malaria and tuberculosis and provided over 60% of available medicine in Sudan. In 2006 she supported sending United Nations troops to Darfur with logistical and technical support provided by NATO forces. Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi was outspoken in his condemnation of this intervention, claiming it was not committed out of concern for Sudanese people but
for oil and for the return of colonialism to the African continent.
This is the same leader who was murdered in the aftermath of the 2011 NATO bombing of Libya; an attack promoted and facilitated with the eager support of Mrs. Clinton. In an infamous CBS news interview, said regarding this international crime: We came, we saw, he died. As Time magazine pointed out in 2011, the administration understood removing Qaddafi from power would allow the terrorist cells active in Libya to run rampant in the vacuum left behind. Just last month the New York Times reported that Libya has indeed become a terrorist safe haven and failed state conducive for exporting radicals through ratlines to the conflict against Assad in Syria.
Hillary made prompt use of the ratlines for conflicts in the Middle East. In the summer of 2012, Clinton privately worked with then CIA director and subversive bonapartist David Petraeus on a proposal for providing arms and training to death squads to be used to topple Syria just as in Libya. This proposal was ultimately struck down by Obama, reported the New York Times in 2013, but constituted one of the earliest attempts at open military support for the Syrian death squads.
Her voting record on intervening in Afghanistan and Iraq is well known and she also has consistently called for attacking Iran. She even told Fareed Zakaria the State Department was involved behind the scenes in Irans failed 2009 Green Revolution. More recently in Foreign Policy magazine David Rothkopf wrote on the subject of the Lausanne nuclear accord, predicting a snap-back in policy by the winner of the 2016 election to the foreign policy in place since the 1980s. The title of this article? Hillary Clinton is the Real Iran Snap-Back. This makes Hillary the prime suspect for a return to the madcap Iranian policies that routinely threaten the world with a World War 3 scenario.
Hillary Clinton is not only actively aggressing against Africa and the Middle East. She was one of the loudest proponents against her husbands hesitancy over the bombing of Kosovo
Not content with engaging in debacles in Eastern Europe, she has vocally argued for a more aggressive response to what she called the rollback of democratic development and economic openness in parts of Latin America. This indicates her willingness to allow the continuation of CIA sponsored efforts at South American destabilization in the countries of Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina and Brazil.
It is one of the proud prerogatives of the Tax Wall Street Party to push out into the light the Wall Street and foundation-funded Democrats. The final blow to Hillarys clumsy façade comes directly from arch-neocon Robert Kagan. Kagan worked as a foreign policy advisor to Hillary along with his wife, Ukraine madwoman Victoria Nuland, during Hillarys term as Secretary of State. He claimed in the New York Times that his view of American foreign policy is best represented in the mainstream by the foreign policy of Hillary Clinton; a foreign policy he obviously manipulated or outright crafted. Kagan stated: If she pursues a policy which we think she will pursue
its something that might have been called neocon, but clearly her supporters are not going to call it that; they are going to call it something else. What further reason could any sane person need to refute Hillary? A vote for Hillary is a vote for the irrational return to war