Selma is GROUND ZERO with a new fight!!! [View all]
X post in Labor & GD
Dear Supporters,
My coworkers and I work in Selma, AL at a car seating plant producing for Hyundai. This is a big week in Selma with the 50th Anniversary of the infamous bloody march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge where Martin Luther King, Jr. and others fought for African Americans to have the right to vote. Even President Obama will be in Selma this Saturday to honor this important struggle!
But we think it's important to lift up the voices of those of us living and working in Selma today. At our factory some workers earn close to $8 an hour and after 10 years, workers make under $12 an hour. As if the low wages werent enough to deal with, the plant has been fined by OSHA because management continues to expose us workers to a chemical called TDI, which causes asthma, terrible breathing problems and even cancer. More generally auto parts workers, who now comprise 3 out of every 4 auto workers, have seen real wages shrink by over 13% in a decade.
I am inspired by the history of my town leading in the voter and civil rights movement. Today my coworkers and I stand as leaders in fighting for dignity at work. We stand together today in Selma and I am personally planning to deliver a message to Hyundais office later this week.
We know we have the power to improve pay and conditions at our workplace. And we want to invite you to stand with us.
I am standing with my coworkers in Selma ready to fight, will you help us spread our message?
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My coworkers and I will be marching this weekend in Selma. We honor the past and will continue to fight for ourselves and our families today. Thank you for joining in our fight. #SelmaIsNow
In struggle,
Kim King
Selma Seating Auto Workers United