One fifth of Germans call for revolution, a third reject capitalism [View all]
One in five Germans believe that revolution, not reform, is the only way for living standards in Germany to be improved, a new study by the Free University of Berlin suggests.
The report, entitled 'Against state and capital for the revolution' found among other trends that a staggering 62% of Germans quizzed by researchers believe they live in an imperfect democracy where the economy has more power than the electorate, and a third believe that capitalism leads to poverty and hunger.
Overall, the researchers noted a growing suspicion of central government and of the mainstream media, as well as an openness to conspiracy theories.
Almost 50% of respondents said they had noticed an increased surveillance of left-wing dissidents by police and the state, and the report authors noted overall that a sizeable proportion of the German population are moving increasingly towards the left of the political spectrum, and are more likely to hold both anti-fascist and anti-capitalist views.