I do agree. We do differ in a belief that economics is learned behavior. But I also strongly agree that we should work together to achieve a common goal. We see the same problems, we seek the same future. A world clean, unpolluted, and able to provide a future for our children and grandchildren. My goal is the most stuff for the most people and at least the enough for everyone. Some would stress the latter, I dont think that is incompatible with the former. My solutions come from Keynes, not Beveridge or Marx, but I am open to anything that might achieve the goal, even if I think it may not be the best way. Even the Neolibs proved that a partial solution is better that what is being pushed now. Clinton got to full employment and a surplus just by rolling back a bit of the Reagan agenda. George the second got in and trashed the system by going back to it. I am not a fan of the Neolibs but we can point to that partial success as an example of what is possible. I think the Welfare State is a failed experiment but I fully support its goal, I certainly do not want to throw it out until a better solution is found. I am very interested in the Finish experiment with basic income
I would like to see a state try this. So, like you say, lets get together the large tent, even the Neolibs, of people who want a better future and argue over the method later. Ill try anything. Im from Milwaukee, we had a Socialist Mayor while I was growing up and the city did very well. Now under this lot it is dying. George the first called Reaganomics voodoo economics so even most of the people who believe economics is a science think this is garbage. We need to keep trying different things while keeping our eyes on the prize. Ill walk with anyone if they are going down a path to try to get to a better future. Experimentation and clear analysis of results and the outcomes is the true hallmark of a science. One last thing. We need to shout with a loud common voice that this is crap. We are being drowned out by the media, hate radio, and book after book of garbage. I am sure we can agree that the first order of business is to try to get the truth out about this failure of economic, and immoral, ideas. All of the present ills have been caused by this right wing, I dont want to call it an ideology, evil. Got any ideas of where to start?