Bernie has been slugging away for 27 years, as you note. He has made tons of progress, only he has done it under the radar.
For example:
Some of what he did while in the house:
Passed an amendment to require offenders who are convicted of fraud and other white collar crime to give appropriate notice to victims and other persons in cases where there are multiple victims eligible to receive restitution.
Passed an amendment that improved Postsecondary Education. It administered a competitive grant program to institutions of higher education seeking to reduce costs through the purchase of goods and services. This saved colleges and taxpayers both money.
He amended the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act of 2003, stopping the IRS from being able to use funds that violate current pension age discrimination laws.
He expanded free health care and won a $100 million increase in funding by using his amendment powers. This added community health centers that gave out a variety of free health care services.
Prevented child labor by passing an amendment to a general appropriations bill. This stated that the U.S. will not appropriate funds for the importation of goods made by the hands of minors.
Some of his work in the Senate:
Passed an amendment making sure that solar water heaters provide at least 30 percent of hot water for new federal buildings. This is forcing us to use green energy.
Made sure to it that bailout funds werent used to replace laid-off U.S. workers with exploited and poorly-paid foreign workers.
Helped ensure that child care was being offered to parents in the Armed Forces by requiring the Comptroller General to provide accurate reporting on what was being done.
Required a public database be made available showing the names of senior Department officials seeking employment with defense contractors. This helped crack down on corruption.
Required that the TRICARE program provide treatment to veterans affected by certain types of autism. It wasnt previously being done.
Was praised by John McCain(R-AZ) and Sen. Jack Reed(D-RI) for overhauling the Veterans Administration. Was said to have done such an excellent job of bringing all parties to a deal, that it wouldnt have gotten done without Sanders work.
There is much more, but Hillary supporters tend to not read about them. They would much rather put blinders on a support their gal.