Bile, Bullshit, and Bernie [View all]
Back in the 1990s, while the Clintons were supporting DOMA and Dont Ask, Dont Tell, that old dinosaur of a socialist helped lead the opposition to both policies on the grounds that they were anti-gay.
Sixteen notes on the presidential campaign.
by Corey Robin 1-23-16
This is becoming a straight-up rerun of the 1948 campaign against Henry Wallace. Except that Clinton is running well to the right of Truman and even, in some respects, Dewey. It seems as if Clinton is campaigning for the vote of my Grandpa Nat. Theres only one problem with this strategy: hes been dead for nearly a quarter-century.
As was true of McCarthyism, its not really Sanderss communism or his socialism that has got todays McCarthyites in the Democratic Party worried; its actually his liberalism. As this article in the Times makes clear:
Some third party will say, This is what the first ad of the general election is going to look like, said James Carville, the longtime Clinton adviser, envisioning a commercial savaging Mr. Sanders for supporting tax increases and single-payer health care. Once you get the nomination, they are not going to play nice. . . .
A Sanders-led ticket generates two sets of fears among Clinton supporters: that other Democratic candidates could be linked to his staunchly liberal views, particularly his call to raise taxes, even on middle-class families, to help finance his universal health care plan; and that more mainstream Democrats would have to answer to voters uneasy about what it means to be a European-style social democrat.
Raising taxes to pay for popular social programs: that used to be the bread and butter of the Democratic Party liberalism. Now its socialism. And that now its socialism used to be the bread and butter of Republican Party revanchism. Now its Democratic Party liberalism ...
Much more here: