The USA is still a small-d democracy. Trump won the election through a legitimate democratic process, and now he gets to be in charge of the system. We arrived here by choice. Nobody who says they believe in democracy would want to overturn that choice through undemocratic means, as Trump tried to do on January 6.
Right now, we are still a democracy. We expect to continue as a democracy. We The People decide how the country is run, not an unelected dicator.
Since that is the case, we proceed as if this is still a democracy, and act accordingly. We expect mid-term elections to occur in two years. We expect a presidential election to occur in four years. We expect Donald Trump to be replaced after four years because he will have been elected twice. Those are the rights guaranteed to us by the Constitution, which the president swears an oath to defend.
Trump can turn the whole government upside down if he wants to -- that's what America voted for, and will reap the consequences of.
But as soon as Trump steps outside the Constitutional system, all bets are off, because he will have essentially declared the Constitution dead. If we ever reach that point, who knows what will happen, but it will probably go down much the way it has in all other countries which have become or threatened to become dictatorships -- either the dictator will win, or the people will win, and it won't be pretty either way.
If it comes to that, it will be because that's where Trump decides to take us. Until then, we expect out Constitutional system to prevail. The Constitution IS America. That's the framework we're operating in.